
Foliohatuilla menee niin lujaa, että meinaa hattu pudota päästä. Kun on lusikalla annettu niin ei voi kauhalla ottaa.

Tuo eukko on omituinen tapaus. Alkuvuodesta 2020 pelkäsi kuollakseen koronatartuntaa. Sitten kilahti jotenkin Anon VKK-touhuihin ja alkoi sekoilla rokotuksista. Toki tätä ennen oli jo vannoutunut Q-Anon hörhöilijä ja Trump-fani. Uskoo myös että Ossi Tiihonen hävisi persujen pj-vaalin, koska äänestyskoneet oli manipuloitu.
Onko olo kuin vapaasti käyttäytyvällä jyrsijällä?

Graphene active sensor arrays for long-term and wireless mapping of wide frequency band epicortical brain activity​

Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 211 (2021) Cite this article
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  • 31 Citations
  • 248 Altmetric
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Graphene active sensors have demonstrated promising capabilities for the detection of electrophysiological signals in the brain. Their functional properties, together with their flexibility as well as their expected stability and biocompatibility have raised them as a promising building block for large-scale sensing neural interfaces. However, in order to provide reliable tools for neuroscience and biomedical engineering applications, the maturity of this technology must be thoroughly studied. Here, we evaluate the performance of 64-channel graphene sensor arrays in terms of homogeneity, sensitivity and stability using a wireless, quasi-commercial headstage and demonstrate the biocompatibility of epicortical graphene chronic implants. Furthermore, to illustrate the potential of the technology to detect cortical signals from infra-slow to high-gamma frequency bands, we perform proof-of-concept long-term wireless recording in a freely behaving rodent. Our work demonstrates the maturity of the graphene-based technology, which represents a promising candidate for chronic, wide frequency band neural sensing interfaces.
Onko olo kuin vapaasti käyttäytyvällä jyrsijällä?

Graphene active sensor arrays for long-term and wireless mapping of wide frequency band epicortical brain activity​

Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 211 (2021) Cite this article
  • 43k Accesses
  • 31 Citations
  • 248 Altmetric
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Graphene active sensors have demonstrated promising capabilities for the detection of electrophysiological signals in the brain. Their functional properties, together with their flexibility as well as their expected stability and biocompatibility have raised them as a promising building block for large-scale sensing neural interfaces. However, in order to provide reliable tools for neuroscience and biomedical engineering applications, the maturity of this technology must be thoroughly studied. Here, we evaluate the performance of 64-channel graphene sensor arrays in terms of homogeneity, sensitivity and stability using a wireless, quasi-commercial headstage and demonstrate the biocompatibility of epicortical graphene chronic implants. Furthermore, to illustrate the potential of the technology to detect cortical signals from infra-slow to high-gamma frequency bands, we perform proof-of-concept long-term wireless recording in a freely behaving rodent. Our work demonstrates the maturity of the graphene-based technology, which represents a promising candidate for chronic, wide frequency band neural sensing interfaces.

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