Suomi NATON jäsenenä

Pentagonista vaalean vihreää valoa NATO esikunnalle Mikkelissä, joskaan ei tämä päätösten tekijän suulla ole sanottu, mutta ei myöskään poissuljettu.

Mahtaa ryssillä ohuesti vituttaa.

Mieluummin Viipuriin.

Toistakoon historia itseään tässä kohtaa💪

"Seuraavaksi putinisteille on luotava tietoisuus siitä, että Nato-maat pystyvät kuljettamaan Pohjolaan ammuksia ja vahvistuksia jatkuvana virtana. Silloin kriittistä on, kuka hallitsee pohjoista Atlanttia.

Yksistään Norja hankkii vähintään viisi uutta sukellusvenettä ja viisi sukellusvenetorjuntaan suunniteltua fregattia.

Pohjimmiltaan Putinin imperialismi pysähtyy samaan mahdottomuuteen kuin Hitlerin valloitussota 1940-luvun alussa."
Täällä jo jpkerkko & co päässyt asian ytimeen. F-22 taustalla.
Finnish troops served with Virginia’s 29th Infantry Division during the Stabilization Force 10 rotation in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2001-2002, sparking enduring friendships, and VNG personnel have trained shoulder-to-shoulder with their Finnish counterparts for many years, building deep professional and personal bonds.

In recent years, Soldiers and Airmen conducted cyber training with their Finnish counterparts, competed in a Finnish sniper competition, and learned from Finland’s expertise operating and thriving in Arctic conditions, among other exchanges. VNG Army and Air cyber warriors were also traveled to Finland to take part in the Elements of Cyber exercise.
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Suomi voipi olla virginialaiselle hiukan eri tason harjoituskumppani kuin tuo toinen, Tajikistan vuodesta 2003.
Katso liite: 97141
Norjankin kuvio on aloitettu vasta 2023!
Nyt olisi loistavaa alkaa valmistella harjoituskuvioita siihen hetkeen, kun Suomella on F-35:t rivissä! Harjoitukset parempaa vastustajaa vastaan ovat niitä todella kehittäviä!
Tästä hyvää koontia. Joku on ollut myös sotilaspastorikurssilla Suomessa!

The partnership between the VNG and Finnish Ministry of Defense is expected to focus on combined air operations and interoperability defense including defense against cyber threats, information and intelligence operations, combined land forces capability including the deployment of military forces in cold weather environments, military assistance and support for disaster operations and facilitating special operations training.
The State Partnership Program began in 1993 with 13 partners. Thirty years later, the program has grown to 89 partner-nations and is a key U.S. security cooperation tool that facilitates collaboration across all aspects of civil-military affairs. Initially developed to assist countries emerging from behind the Iron Curtain, the SPP now involves 89 nations and the National Guard of every U.S. state and territory. National Guard Soldiers and Airmen work with partner militaries to bolster capabilities, improve interoperability and enhance principles of responsible governance.

Finland, Palau, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Sweden and Tanzania will be added to the Defense Department National Guard State Partnership Program in 2024,
Tulee 3 aika vaatimatonta ja 3 aika hyvää kumppania. Mitenköhän kova vääntö näistä on eri kaartien kesken?

On myös ihan perusohjaajia käynyt F-22:a kuolaamassa
“An official State Partnership would be mutually beneficial to both Finland and the Commonwealth of Virginia,” said Lt. Col. Lawrence Dietrich, 149th Fighter Squadron commander. “The Virginia Air National Guard 149th FS is leading USAF efforts in Agile Combat Employment - an area where there is much to learn from the Finnish Air Force as they operate with an ACE mindset daily. Additionally, the 149th has tremendous experience with 5th Generation fighter integration tactics and can provide this expertise to Finland as they begin to procure F-35s and fly them alongside their existing F-18 fleet.”

During this recent trip, the FINAF and VaANG pilots discussed ACE techniques used by the Finns, specifically focusing on austere distributed communications and dispersal operations. The Finnish pilots received a tour of an F-22 and discussed fighter integration operations, leveraging the VaANG pilots’ experiences in fourth and fifth generation.
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